Sunday, June 14, 2009

Home for the Holidays Week 2

Well another week has passed already.  I can't believe how quickly our time here is flying by.  I'm already having to fight back the tears every time I think of stepping on the plane next Monday.  Its not that I don't want to go back to Singapore (what's not to like?) or that I don't want to see Gabriel (I miss him lots) - but I seriously just want to pack my Mum and Dad in our suitcases and take them back with us :o(

We've also had such a great time visiting lots of friends this week that its made me realise what a lovely group of friends we have here (something we probably took forgranted while we were here).  In saying that, I've met lots of lovely, warm, friendly people in Singapore too and I hope you'll all be waiting for me with a monster box of Kleenex when I get back!!

So what have we been up to this week.  (Apologies again if this makes for mundane reading but I don't want to forget a moment!)

Started the week with a visit to the kids' shoe shop in Bridge of Weir.  I love visiting this shop as its run by the most cantankerous old git you've ever met!!  I just love bantering with him - its total entertainment!  Gran insisted on paying for their new shoes so they both left with lovely new sandals for Kayla and sort of open trainer type shoes for James.

As the weather was lovely (again) we headed to Barshaw Park in Paisley where James and Kayla had a ball playing with Gran.  I love visiting this park as I used to go there a lot when I was a child.  My Aunt and Uncle lived very close to the park and when we visited them on a Saturday night my Uncle and my Dad used to take me down to play on the swings.  I loved it!  Please remember this was in the days before anyone had a swing in their own back garden and certainly in the days before two men playing with a young child in a park would probably have been considered strange.

Had a lovely Italian meal out with James' friends' Mums - Liz, Julie and Karen - at night.  Lovely to get a (rare) chance to speak without someone shouting "Mum!" 

On Tuesday I met up with the Netmums girls at the playpark at Glasgow Green.  Joan and Elliot came with us too.  Netmums is a fantastic website in the UK which gives lots of advice on babies, motherhood etc and also has a coffee house chat area.  I met a great group of local Mums on there just a few months before we came to Singapore and they've all stayed in touch which has been lovely.  It was a scorcher of a day and the kids all had great fun whilst we could relax as the playpark is completely surrounded by a fence so no need to chase stray children every two minutes!

On Wednesday I went to one of my favourite shops - Matalan.  Cheap and cheerful stuff!  Got lots more clothes for the kids and quite a few bits and pieces for me too.

Took James to Gym Joeys in the afternoon and then headed down to Elliot's house to play afterwards.  Elliot has four dogs - 3 Dobermans and 1 Miniature Pincher - and they're normally kept locked away while we're there as James is quite scared of dogs but he's definitely making progress.  Joan brought them all out one by one to say hello and James even clapped them (petted for those who are not reading in Scottish!)  Progress indeed.

Headed straight to the Equestrian Centre for dinner with my friend Lynne and her husband John.  So lovely to see them both again.  Had a great time talking about Singapore as John has been there through work so he knew the things and places I was talking about.  Still trying to persuade them to come for a visit!

Signing off now as I'm falling asleep and I've got another busy day tomorrow.  Will complete Week 2 later in the week.

Hmmm - wonder if it'll let me attach photos this week...

Apparently not :o(

1 comment:

  1. great post Catherine.....

    lovely to hear of your days back 'at home'.
