Thursday, February 26, 2009

Rain, rain and more rain!

When you first leave the airport in Singapore upon your first arrival, the first thing you notice is how green and lush everything is. What doesn't immediately dawn upon you is why this is the case!!

The rain and thunder storms in Singapore really are something else. I thought I'd seen plenty of rain living in Scotland but Singapore rain beats it hands down! The drains back home are little square things every 10 metres or so, whereas the drains here are huge trenches running along every street!

We've had thunder storms every afternoon this week and they always seem to occur just as I'm picking James up from nursery. We'd managed to avoid actually getting caught in one - until today! We made it as far as the HDB flats over the road from us but by then the heavens opened and the thunder and lightening started. The rain was so heavy that the huge trench-like drains were running like rivers.

Thank goodness we could shelter in the HDB flats as we ended up standing there for 45 minutes!! Kayla was most unimpressed and went to sleep. James - who had become very blase about thunder storms since living here - was terrified. Have to say a couple of the claps of thunder made me jump too - they have to be experienced - I really cannot explain how loud it gets.

Anyway, home and cosy now.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Breaking News - Kayla Can Walk!!

Can't believe I forgot to mention this yesterday but my beautiful wee girl took her first solo steps yesterday and then performed again for Daddy this morning. As those who know me well would expect - Mummy was in tears!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Had a busy weekend. Kayla's wee buddies came over on Friday afternoon. Leoni, Johanna and baby Sophie who are all Dutch and Simon who's German. James loves playing with them too. Simple pleasures - just took them to the toddler playpark in our complex and they all had great fun.

Had a relaxing Saturday morning then all headed up to Sembawang to James' Tumble Tots class. He's now been moved into the Gymbobs class (for 5-7 year olds) as the younger class was just way too young for him. He has a good time but I can't say I'm hugely impressed with the class. Gym Joeys was much better but they don't have that here!! Never mind, as long as he enjoys himself that's the main thing.

After Tumble Tots we headed to the Furniture Mall (again) and finally ordered the sofas that we like. Gabriel did a bit of Senegalese bargaining and managed to get about $500 off the original price so not bad! They're being delivered on 23 March and I can't wait. Our house is starting to look a wee bit more like a home and these will help immensely. They'll also hopefully be much more comfortable than the Ikea futon that we sit on at the moment!

On the way along to Suntec for dinner, we walked under the biggest spider on its web I've ever seen. I may not have noticed it but Gabriel kindly brought it to my attention which made me freak out. My lovely wee son kept saying "come on Mummy its ok its ok - its only a spider its not going to hurt you"! He's such a wee cutie sometimes.

Up early on Sunday morning to take James to his taikwondo class. He really enjoys this and responds really well to the teacher - who's just great with the kids. After that we headed out to Changi Beach Park but as we arrived it was getting very very dull. The beach here is ok - not great - but its a great place for any plane spotters and its right under the flight path for Changi Airport. What a busy airport it is - there were planes zooming right over our heads - skimming the trees - about every 3 minutes!

Gabriel and James had just got changed to have a dip in the sea when the heavens opened. Anyone living in Singapore who's reading this will know what I mean when I say the rain in Singapore is something else and those who don't live here really can't appreciate how heavy it gets!! We found shelter in the bin shelter (poo - eee) whilst waiting for the taxi - who of course went to the wrong place and took about 20 minutes to pick us up!!

Came home soaked and all had baths and showers and then had a very surreal conversation with James. He's obviously starting to think about the differences between girls and boys and asked me (not for the first time) why I don't have a "manny" (i.e. wee man - Scottish for willy!) I said just because ladies and girls are different and they don't have one. He then totally freaked me out by saying "so was there lots of blood when they cut it off?" I had to try hard not to laugh - but managed to convince him that I'd never had one in the first place!!

Gabes and I had our belated Valentine's date (cancelled as I had flu) on Sunday night and left the kids with the lovely local lady Ru who'd been recommended to us by our neighbour. I was so proud of my kids - they weren't phased at all about being left with someone they didn't know. When we left James was happily showing her his toys and Ru said they both went off to bed no problem. They really do make me proud!

We went to see Slumdog Millionaire - for once a film that actually lived up to the hype! Its absolutely traumatising in parts but still a very very good film. The children who played the main characters at the beginning were amazing.

Anyway, will sign off now. Nothing much more to say - except I booked my flights for our trip home in June today so I'm a very happy Catherine tonight!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

James' first school trip

Just saw James off on the bus for his first nursery school trip. They're going to West Coast Park and he's been so excited about it for the last couple of weeks I thought he'd burst! There are brilliant play areas at West Coast Park.

Mums could go along too to help out but the school weren't overly keen on me going as I'd have to have brought Kayla and therefore wouldn't really have been able to help out much as I'd have been looking after her.

I'd explained this to James a couple of weeks ago and he'd been fine about it. However, this morning he said "you're coming too aren't you? Mummies can come". I felt absolutely rotten not joining him and must confess I had a wee tear in my eye waving him off on the bus. (To those who know me well this will come as no surprise!!!)

Anyway, I'm sure he'll have a great time and I'm looking forward to hearing all about it this afternoon.

PS. They're taking them to McDonalds for lunch. Can you imagine doing this in the UK - there would be an outcry!! It might not be my favourite place to take them - but once in a blue moon won't do any harm - and knowing James he won't eat anything apart from chips anyway!!!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Went to the Lion Dance performance this morning. Josephine, her hubby Paul and kids, David, Catriona and Megan joined us. It was really nice although the kids were more interested in the swimming pool than the Lion Dance and all ended up in there in their pants!!

Management of the complex had laid on a wee barbecue so we had lovely chicken and pork satay and drinks and then they gave everyone little gift bags with mandarins in them (CNY tradition). All in all a lovely way to spend the morning!

Afternoon not so good. James has been very grumpy as he's tired and Gabriel's knackered after his night oot. Didn't even make it to Tumble Tots as James was just too done in. Forced them all to watch Mamma Mia :o) and we're having a lazy afternoon.

Couple of photos of the Lion Dance attached (if I can figure out how to attach photos to this!)

Friday, February 6, 2009

Having a bit of a lonely night tonight. James is away at my friend Josephine's house for his first ever sleepover. He's been absolutely hyper about it since Josephine invited him last week. Why do 4 year olds have no concept of time LOL??!! Josephine has text me a few times to say they're doing fine (she has a 5 year old son and daughters of almost 4 and 20 months).

Gabriel's on a works night out tonight. He called earlier to say he was having his usual half pint. Most of you will know that my hubby doesn't really drink so one half pint is enough to have him gibbering on like a budgie! He text me a wee while ago to say he's very drunk. That probably means he's had another half pint!! He'd better not wake me up when he does finally fall in the door.

Was looking forward to a girly night in tonight but that Kayla's a lightweight - she was in bed by 8pm as usual :o)

Feeling very homesick at the moment, but also lucky to be living in Singapore and experiencing new things and meeting new people.

Nothing exciting planned over the weekend. Tumble Tots for James on Saturday and his Taikwondo class on Sunday - but nothing else. Oh, almost forgot, we're having a dance troupe come to the complex tomorrow to do a Lion Dance as part of the CNY celebrations. Looking forward to that.

Well its almost 12.30am - I really must to go bed as my little darling will be up at 7am as usual.

Monday, February 2, 2009

First day of my blog. What to write??? Haven't a clue!!! Have had a couple of boring days at home doing nothing but tidying up. Needed the break though - last week was a busy week which took its toll on Saturday as I had a massive migraine and felt horrible the whole day.

Need to run - got to go and pick James up from nursery...