Sunday, July 26, 2009

Another World

I've often commented on how things are done very differently in Asia to how we would do things back home.  People here seem to expect a level of service (which more often than not is met) and things like having a maid to do what we would all do for ourselves at home is just the norm here.

However, I had a real laugh to myself yesterday when I was speaking to a Singaporean Mum at James' tennis class.  I've spoken to her a few times and she's very nice and chatty.  Yesterday for whatever reason we got on to speaking about when our kids were born.  I mentioned that James had been very premature and that he'd spent his first 7 weeks in hospital.  

She asked me what I did about feeding him - or did they just do that for me in the nursery?  Ha ha ha ha!!!  She was totally stunned when I told her that UK hospitals don't have nurseries anymore.  Its just a case of here's your baby - get on with it!!  Her face was an absolute picture!!

She then asked, looking more horrified by the minute, whether the nurses/midwives bathed the baby for you.  Nope!!!  

She then went on to tell me that although she has two boys - one who's 6 years old and one of 18 months - she's NEVER changed a nappy as the maid does all that for her.

It really is another world out here!!!

Here are a couple of gratuitous baby photos of my two just in keeping with the topic!!

1 comment:

  1. 'tis so funny Catherine and oh so true!!!

    I often wonder how some of the expats will even cope when they go 'back home' after being here X number of years and having a nanny and or a maid....

    gonna be a big shock eh??

    (and this is what is called Reverse Culture Shock)
