Friday, May 14, 2010


OMG - don't faint - I'm actually updating my blog!! Well its only been almost a year...

Thought I'd try and do a few short entries this time around for our home trip - rather than the big, rambling epics I did last year!

Well we've arrived in sunny but freezing cold Scotland. Ok its not really freezing - its 11C which feels like freezing when you're used to 32C! James went to bed wearing a fleece last night - with the hood up LOL!

Anyway give us a few days and I'm sure we'll be used to it - I'm always moaning about the heat in Singapore so I have to appreciate this nice cool air while I can.

The flights went well. The kids were both really good - they did me proud.

It was so lovely to come through the doors at the airport and find Mum and Dad waiting for us. I can't believe its been almost 1 year since we've seen them - way way too long.

The jetlag has kicked in. We were all awake at 4am and finally got up at 5am. The kids are sleeping again now but I'm too awake so I'll be shattered by this afternoon.

Never mind - off to meet James' wee friend Elliot at Pizza Hut at lunchtime (James' special request!) and his Mum (and my friend) Joan. Really looking forward to seeing them. Joan keeps me entertained with all her funny stories!

I can give her a laugh too right enough. Apologies if this is TMI for a blog posting - but I just realised last night that I forgot to pack myself any knickers LOL!!! Thankfully my Mum had a couple of new pairs she'd never worn - so I was saved!!

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