Sunday, April 26, 2009

Had a some very proud Mummy moments yesterday. James has started a new gymastics class. Its sooooo much better than Tumble Tots which I always felt was very babyish for him. This is at Sporty Joe's at Turf City and its much more like the gymastics class he did at home.

Yesterday, after they'd finished all their usual exercises the instructor gave them a go on the asymetric bars! James had no fear whatsoever (unlike me who was sitting with my heart in my mouth!) He did really well - the instructor helped them to go over the bars a couple of times and James' big smile when he came off said it all!

Later in the afternoon he went for a trial at Tots Tennis. He'd been moaning on all day that he didn't want to go (he never wants to go anywhere until he gets there!) After the lesson (which looked great fun) he came out and said "that was great - I only want to do tennis now"!!

Hope no-one reading this thinks we're horribly pushy parents, pushing James into all these sports (he does taekwondo too). Its just that now he's at nursery full time, there's no time during the week to do any extras (and he's tired then too) so the weekends are a good time for it and believe me, if he didn't enjoy it I wouldn't be forcing him to do any of them (nor paying the exorbitant amounts of money it costs to do these things in Singapore!!)


  1. that's great Catherine....

    I don't think it is 'pushing' him at all.... he needs to experience all sorts of things and try whatever suits him.

    Does not mean he will continue to do everything he joins, but at least he gets an idea and will start to know and understand what options are open for him later.

  2. Thanks Leone. I have a fear of sounding like a pushy parent which I'm definitely not!

    There are such a variety of great classes available in Singapore - all at a price of course!!

    Kayla goes to a lovely wee music class (the Kampong Playhouse) and I can't wait til she can go to a dance class as she dances to absolutely everything - even the adverts on TV!
