Sunday, May 23, 2010


Well so much for me keeping up with the blog! I'm hopeless! Anyway, here's what we've been up to this week...

Went to Tesco in Greenock (big hypermarket) with Mum and Dad where I wandered around like a kid in a sweetie shop as I'd forgotten how good the choice of food, clothes, books, electrical goods etc etc is here - and how blooming cheap they are! Spent way too much on clothes for the kids but enjoyed every minute of it!

After our spending splurge we headed off to the wee cafe in Gourock that we've been going to for oh at least 25 years!! Yum yum :o)

On Sunday we headed over to my best friend Elizabeth's house to see her, her sister (and my friend too) Laura and their parents. Elizabeth's Dad was home on a weekend pass from hospital as he's just had his leg amputated below the knee after a long time suffering various infections etc due to his diabetes. I was so surprised by how well he looked. He's had a lot of illness and hospital stays over the last few years but is still going strong and was really happy to see my two little monsters. It was great catching up with everyone.

On Monday we headed off with Elliot to his swimming lesson where the boys had great fun. After a play in the playpark beside the pool we headed off to Graze near Kilwinning for lunch. And so began my usual round of non-stop eating out on holiday!

Had a visit to the dentist on Tuesday morning where Kayla point blank refused to show him her teeth LOL! I did mention that she loves to brush her teeth though so hopefully they're not in too bad shape.

James got a gold star for "still having great teeth" - yay! - whereas I'm signed up for two extractions on 1st June - boo! One is the remainder of the tooth I broke on the way to Oz a couple of years ago and the other is a wisdom tooth which is sitting at a funny angle so it has to go too :o( He wants me to have another wisdom tooth removed (insert your own joke here) but that one needs to be removed surgically so I'm not having that done during my holiday time!

Headed off to Barshaw Park in Paisley with my Mum in the afternoon. It was a lovely day so the park was full of wee people and lots of peely wally (pale) bodies being exposed to the sun for the first time since last summer! I posted a photo of FB of some boys who were playing football with their shirts off. I'd forgotten just how pale Scottish people are. As Billy Connolly used to say "we're not white - we're light blue!"

I can never get photos to work properly on the blog - but the photo above is the view from the top of the hill in Barshaw Park - looking back over Paisley (the town where both of my parents were born and brought up).

On Wednesday Mum and Dad kept the kids for the day while I headed off for some retail therapy (and boy am I cured!!) It was so nice to be shopping in shops that had clothes to fit women over a size 10 (not many of those in Singapore), with all the lovely summer clothes in (bonus for me) and with no small people moaning about wanting to go home! I got there around 1.30pm and got home just before 9pm!! Bliss!! And I haven't finished - going to head back again before we leave as there were a few shops I missed :o)

Anyway, signing off now as I have a thumping headache and I'm shattered. Mainly due to a couple of late nights over the weekend - but I'll update on those ASAP.

Nighty night all xx

Friday, May 14, 2010

Well another early morning for the Sallahs. I wakened at 3am and couldn't get back to sleep :o( James joined me in bed shortly afterwards and wriggled for Scotland for a couple of hours before he eventually got up. Kayla went til 6am - yay!!

Had a lovely afternoon catching up with Joan and Elliot at Pizza Hut yesterday. Joan and I were separated at birth!! We have such a lot in common and have been through lots of similar experiences so we always have LOTS to talk about!! Planning to go take James to Elliot's swimming lesson on Monday so that'll be good fun for them both.

My lovely friend and neighbour Marion popped up to see us later on at Mum & Dad's house. Marion made us feel so welcome when we moved to Torran Drive back in 2003 and has since become a very good friend. Lots to chat about and we're off to see Westlife next week :o) I know - I think I'm 14!


OMG - don't faint - I'm actually updating my blog!! Well its only been almost a year...

Thought I'd try and do a few short entries this time around for our home trip - rather than the big, rambling epics I did last year!

Well we've arrived in sunny but freezing cold Scotland. Ok its not really freezing - its 11C which feels like freezing when you're used to 32C! James went to bed wearing a fleece last night - with the hood up LOL!

Anyway give us a few days and I'm sure we'll be used to it - I'm always moaning about the heat in Singapore so I have to appreciate this nice cool air while I can.

The flights went well. The kids were both really good - they did me proud.

It was so lovely to come through the doors at the airport and find Mum and Dad waiting for us. I can't believe its been almost 1 year since we've seen them - way way too long.

The jetlag has kicked in. We were all awake at 4am and finally got up at 5am. The kids are sleeping again now but I'm too awake so I'll be shattered by this afternoon.

Never mind - off to meet James' wee friend Elliot at Pizza Hut at lunchtime (James' special request!) and his Mum (and my friend) Joan. Really looking forward to seeing them. Joan keeps me entertained with all her funny stories!

I can give her a laugh too right enough. Apologies if this is TMI for a blog posting - but I just realised last night that I forgot to pack myself any knickers LOL!!! Thankfully my Mum had a couple of new pairs she'd never worn - so I was saved!!